Friday 23 November 2007

EUSA hijacks student activist success story...

The EUSA website is harking on about how a student petition has led the University to open up desks in Adam House for study space during the exam period because of the ongoing and extremely infuriating noise from pimping up of the Library...
The full story (if there ever is a full story on the EUSA website!) can be found here:

Its interesting to note that the students didn't come to EUSA for help...

No instead they got off their arses and actually sorted it out themselves through Facebook, and well done for doing so!
This is exactly where EUSA is going wrong, instead of taking orders from Labour HQ the Association should be there for students in need. Instead of telling us what we should eat and drink, they should be a place where people can truely go to voice their concerns and see real action as a result. EUSA should not try hijack this story as a success for them, if anything it shows the level of their failure to stick to their remit. Though I suppose this is better than burying it like so many other stories seem to be...