Wednesday 28 November 2007

The Identity of EUSA-less - REVEALED!

There has been much speculation about the identity of the persons writing this blog.

EUSA officials of course have made many probes, including generating a fake Facebook profile to try and trick us into co-operating with them and revealing our identity.

The Student and Journal newspapers have been trying to work out who we are.

Some idiot calling himself Bligh thinks he/she had a conversation with us last night. Unfortunately we were sat at home.

Some people commenting on the blog clearly think it is someone running for election. If this was the case would they ruin their chances by starting a blog like this?

Some people think it's a EUSA inside mole.

Some people think it's something to do with a society called Students Against Apathy.

Some people think it's an ex-Edinburgh student who used to be heavily involved in EUSA.

Some people think it's the old Boris Johnson brigade.

Some people think it's the BNP(?!)

But none of those people are right unfortunately...

All EUSA-less can say is that we are simply commenting on the situation, we do not wish to be involved in politics. We are calling for change from people who are prepared to take up the baton.

We do not wish to run for a sabbatical position, we do not wish to get involved with meetings.


EUSA officials have made it quite clear from comments on this blog that those of a Conservative viewpoint are not welcome at their meetings, open though they officially are. This is pseudo-democracy, pseudo-accountability. This is a farce.

We are waiting for a talented and forward thinking student to take up our cause. If that does not happen, we'll happily continue commenting on EUSA and waiting for our representation.

Remember kids, according to a EUSA official on this blog, if you vote Tory or support top-up fees, EUSA WILL NOT SUPPORT YOU!

How's that for EUSA, By Students For Students?