It's fairly clear that EUSA has an image problem and where better to begin rectifying that by giving the election process a kick up the behind... completly open and totally accountable.
Given the shame the Labour Party is in nationally and especially in Scotland do we really want "Labour Students" in control of the election? Given how corrupt the professional party seem to be, who knows what the amateurs get up to.
Sniping aside its time for another debate:
Electoral Reform Services is the world's leading independent supplier of ballots and election services. They have overseen elections for all of the major political parties, other student unions and countless other organisations.
More info can be found here: http://www.erbs.co.uk/election_services/ballot_and_election_services.asp
EUSA-less would like to hear a decent arguement against having ERS oversee EUSA elections...
Posting will be quiet in the next few weeks.. Mulled wine and that.